George Borden: Drums
Name: George A. Borden (aka Georgie B.)
Current place of residence: Ohio, U.S. Main instrument: drums Other instruments: YES! Equipment: Sonor Drums, Vater Sticks Influences: Too many to list Favorite bands: Annihilator, Dofka, Hatebreed, Loudness, Stryper and many others Previous bands: Memphis Mike and the Legendary Tremblers, Legend Fish, Triple Threat, House of Fire, Legend, Ray and the Moonbeams, Bed of Nails, Chum Buffet, Cap’n Geech and The Shrimp Shack Shooters What got you interested in heavy metal? I was influenced early on by Hard Rock bands and other musical styles – namely from the 70s. But after hearing “Fast as a Shark” by Accept one day in 1982 … I quickly conned my parents into buying me a double bass pedal. The rest is history! What keeps you involved in music? My love of drumming What would you like to achieve with AFTERSHOK? I’d like to see us play a stage or two at the summer metal festivals in Europe. Quote: “Consistent, Persistence = Less Resistance” Hobbies outside of music: Technology and family |